Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Schools To Be Turned Into Shot Clinics For Mass Vaccination Programs
With the mass hysteria being thrust upon the American people over the past couple of months regarding the swine flu and using the extremely small number of people who have died, which as of today stands at 160 world wide, dwarfed in comparison to the number of people who die of the normal flu EVERY year which is around 36,000, the WHO (world health organization) has taken the unprecedented step of raising their alert status lat week to level 6, indicating a global pandemic ultimately giving the green light to the Government from which U.S. health officials has already called a declaration of Emergency so as "to give some previously unapproved tests and drugs to children," Reports the New York Times, has begun telling schools across the country to prepare to be used as clinics for mass vaccination programs.
“Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall — and schools are being put on notice that they might even be turned into shot clinics.” States the report.
“Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday she is urging school superintendents around the country to spend the summer preparing for that possibility, if the government goes ahead with mass vaccinations.”
Most people do not have to be told, however there are the few who do not know that by the U.S. declaring a 'health emergency' the Government successfully opened the door for experimental drugs to be used more liberally along with States declaring State of Emergency like California has, which by declaring a state of emrgency "can also be used as a rationale for suspending civil liberties."
Louisville has, just last month, ran an excersise called Cities Readiness Initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security "that tested the use of bank drive-throughs to deliver medications in emergencies," which could be used for the swine flu if it "became more virulent in the fall and vaccines or medicines needed to be distributed widely to the public." Reports the Courier Journal
There are schools however, already participating with the Government to run mass inoculations such as 11 schools in Alaska who are "practicing a mass dispensing of vaccines." Reports
If anyone can remember the 76' swine flu debacle in America, that originated at Fort Dix by the way, and had the CDC calling on Congress and then President Ford for mass inoculations and which the vaccination caused over 500 people to become paralyzed and over 30 died.
On that note, Baxter International, who was caught red handed in march of this year, tainting vaccines with the deadly avian flu, has confirmed they will be working with the World Health Organization to produce the vaccine for the Mexican flu swine virus.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
ABC News Turns over Programing To The Government
Well ABC news has turned over its programming to the Government starting June 24th “On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care — a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!,” reports the Drudge Report, with ABC news censoring dissenting opinions.
I knew of these things happening in the Soviet Union where Pravda was the official propaganda organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party from 1912 to 1991. Also in China where 99% of news is government controlled and owned by the communist party. However I never thought I would see the day when it would happen in America a so-called free country.
ABC's openly announcing it will be handing over their news coverage to the Government while censoring dissenting opinion goes further than the Bush Administrations fake news scandals that were secret until 06'.
Wake up People.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Right, Left and Everyone Else, DHS Says You Are Terrorist
With an 88 year old ww2 Vet and self proclaimed racist who had no problem letting other know it, took his aggressions out at a Holocaust museum shooting and killing a guard from which has every one bowing down to the DHS's leaked intelligence assessment report, named Rightwing Extremism: "Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment,"calling men and women returning from Iraq as terrorist, along with "potential terrorist" or at best "rightwing extremism.” Gun owners, buying ammunition, "anti-abortion", "anti-government," Pro-1st Amendment, Pro-2nd Amendment, “special interest groups” who “incorporate a political message,” people who identify themselves as “sovereign citizens,” and use of “e-protests."
All the usual politicized groups that masquerade as “civil rights” organisations, while at the same time lobbying for the complete elimination of liberties have pounced on the incident in their droves. “I think this latest round of killing once again shows how ridiculous the criticism from the right of the Department of Homeland Security report was. That whole brouhaha was absurd,” said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, the group cited as a research source in the recent MIAC report, which characterized Ron Paul supporters as extremists.
Deborah Lauter of the Anti-Defamation League chimed in by saying “We felt the DHS report was pretty right on,” also saying “Clearly the election of Obama, the current financial crisis, and the discussion of immigration reform –those things have certainly fueled the right wing extremist movement in this country….There are clear indications that the rhetoric is manifesting. We hope it’s not the tip of the iceberg.” As I stated at the beginning of the story an 88 year old vet has provided these lobbyist with alot of ammunition.
However, what the Liberals are so quick to pounce on, is the same thing that was done to them since the creation of the DHS ( Department of Homeland Security) under the Bush Administration.
During the Bush years Liberals were on the DHS hitlist which described bloggers, anti-death penalty, Environmentalist, animal Rights activist as terrorist along with an earlier report produced by the Strategic Analysis Group, Homeland Environment and Threat Analysis Division of the DHS concentrated on “left wing extremism” ( Leftwing Extremists Likely to Increase Use of Cyber Attacks over the Coming Decade), which proves that the DHS has no bias in whom they want to deem as being a terrorist from which as it stands now, is every American citizen.
By saying you agree with the tyrannical DHS for calling returning men and woman from Iraq as terrorist or because of your political beliefs as a terrorist act, you are in fact allowing the DHS to call you a terrorist.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Government Making VFW's List All Military Weapons
Here we are again with the Government now demanding the VFW to list all military equipment, even "antiquated and non-functioning military equipment used primarily for display and historical purposes," either it be "20, 40, 60 or 100 years" old by stating "it still belongs to the military" threatening that if "all weapons and equipment not accounted for," then the missing military equipment "will be reported to the FBI and BATF as stolen military equipment,” writes Dan West, retired Sgt. USMC.
Dan also reminds the VFW "elected officers of the Post" of the "severity of punishment that can be administered or the legal bills" that would result if the Vets did not bow down to the demands of the Government that these men and woman bravely fought for.
Although the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) say they are no longer linking returning Iraqi Vets to terrorist and or extremist groups, their actions are speaking otherwise.
Just last month at Ft. Cambell the Army took the unusual steps of requiring all army personal to "disclose all of their privately owned weapons and gun licenses."
However, “military officials insist the policy is not connected to a recent controversial Department of Homeland Security report that warned disgruntled veterans could pose a national security threat. Rather, the inventory of private guns is aimed at stemming what the Army claims is an increasing number of accidental discharges by gun-toting soldiers.”
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Give Me Your Money Or The Dog Is Dead
Well here we are again having to deal with sadist down at the Louisville Metro Animal services, who say they love animals however show the exact opposite when I went to have my dog get her yearly tags.
While having to stand in line for a hour, I watched a worker speak on the phone, instead of doing their job, along with being surrounded by mindless sheep handing over their money as if in a walking coma, my eyes were wandering around looking at 3 open desks where workers should be sitting along with paying attention to the animals locked in cages outside under a roof made of metal in a long line, reminding myself of the pictures of Guantanimo I've seen from which those prisoners are to get a trial, unlike the dogs I was looking at, who can be taken to gallows at any time.
Any ways, it FINALLY came time to speak to the 300lb woman sitting on her ars from which reminded myself of a Nazi German woman with red hair and missing only the big fat mole on her big fat upper lip and ruger on her hip, I handed her my paper work knowing there would be something come up, I mean I am dealing with a Government entity, and, as I figured I was not let down.
It seems that these incompetent waste of tax dollars had allowed my dog last year, who is going on 9 years old and is unaltered, had been found by a Vet to have heart problems, from which the Vet said she more than likely would not make it through surgery to be spayed, to be tagged at the cost of, a altered dog price $9.50 last year. I simply told this, talking heart attack, that my dog had been, one hour before her surgery to be spayed, found to have a heart problem from which I turned in the Vet's diagnosis and opinion to LMAS and was asked to only pay the amount of an altered dog.
The woman of course argued that I had to pay the unaltered price of $50.00 and as you can imagine, myself and Helga went round and round from which she called her LT. from which told her that I would have to pay the unaltered price or, get this, write and ask PERMISSION to not pay the unaltered price. So I simply told this Nazi sadist to give me back my paperwork and the Government will not get anything.
The Louisville Metro Animal Services say they love pets but as you can see, they want to kill my dog, because that's what will happen if she goes under for surgery, or pay $50.00 for a dog that is a house dog and does not run rampant in the neighborhood, on top of being old and having a heart problem. Sounds about right for this Nazi entity, don't ya think?
Not too forget, Helga, during her hard breathing and perfuse sweating, began speaking of doing a yard search from which I'm sure alot of you remember last year when the Louisville Metro Animal Services tried that same thing with myself, from which I told them that unless they have a warrant, they will not set foot on my property. I got ahold of Scott Harrington who talked to Doug Hawkins from which a call was made to these unconstitutional sadist and the matter was dropped, quickly.
However these unconstitutional tyrants have forgotten about that and are intending on breaking my 4th Amendment right once again.
All I have to say is that this Government entity, (Louisville Metro Animal Services) who say they love animals, however, want to kill my dog and throw the constitution in the trash, will have one hell of a fight on their hands and will ultimately cost them money they are making now, by strong arming the sheep in this community to bow down and hand over their money without question. I believe that is called robbery. As you all know, I don't bow down to anyone and will fight this tyrannical entity all the way to the Supreme court if need be.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Oath Keepers, "Not On Our Watch"
With such illustrations as the other day when a video was shown on the news of 5 police officers beating an unarmed, unconsence man with billybats and fist, which ultimately lead to all 5 cops being fired, does not define the majority of men and women serving in all services including the police.
90% of police that take the oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic truly mean it, unlike the ones that beat the man in Alabama. Matter of fact there is a non-partisan association called Oath Keepers, currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, peace officers, and veterans that has a website telling exactly what orders they will not obey because they are unconstitutional and therefore unlawful.
Here are the orders these freedom loving Military and police will not obey with their reasoning.
1. We will NOT obey any order to disarm the American people.
The attempt to disarm the people on April 19, 1775 was the spark of open conflict in the American Revolution. That vile attempt was an act of war, and the American people fought back in justified, righteous self-defense of their natural rights. Any such order today would also be an act of war against the American people, and thus an act of treason. We will not make war on our own people, and we will not commit treason by obeying any such treasonous order.
Nor will we assist, or support any such attempt to disarm the people by other government entities, either state or federal.
In addition, we affirm that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to preserve the military power of the people so that they will, in the last resort, have effective final recourse to arms and to the God of Hosts in the face of tyranny. Accordingly, we oppose any and all further infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. In particular we oppose a renewal of the misnamed “assault-weapons” ban or the enactment of H.R. 45 (which would register and track gun owners like convicted pedophiles).
2. We will NOT obey any order to conduct warrantless searches of the American people, their homes, vehicles, papers, or effects - such as warrantless house-to house searches for weapons or persons.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the use of “writs of assistance,” which were essentially warrantless searches because there was no requirement of a showing of probable cause to a judge, and the first fiery embers of American resistance were born in opposition to those infamous writs. The Founders considered all warrantless searches to be unreasonable and egregious. It was to prevent a repeat of such violations of the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects that the Fourth Amendment was written.
We expect that sweeping warrantless searches of homes and vehicles, under some pretext, will be the means used to attempt to disarm the people.
3. We will NOT obey any order to detain American citizens as “unlawful enemy combatants” or to subject them to trial by military tribunal.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the denial of the right to jury trial, the use of admiralty courts (military tribunals) instead, and the application of the laws of war to the colonists. After that experience, and being well aware of the infamous Star Chamber in English history, the Founders ensured that the international laws of war would apply only to foreign enemies, not to the American people. Thus, the Article III Treason Clause establishes the only constitutional form of trial for an American, not serving in the military, who is accused of making war on his own nation. Such a trial for treason must be before a civilian jury, not a tribunal.
The international laws of war do not trump our Bill of Rights. We reject as illegitimate any such claimed power, as did the Supreme Court in Ex Parte Milligan (1865). Any attempt to apply the laws of war to American civilians, under any pretext, such as against domestic “militia” groups the government brands “domestic terrorists,” is an act of war and an act of treason.
4. We will NOT obey orders to impose martial law or a “state of emergency” on a state, or to enter with force into a state, without the express consent and invitation of that state’s legislature and governor.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the attempt “to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power” by disbanding the Massachusetts legislature and appointing General Gage as “military governor.” The attempt to disarm the people of Massachusetts during that martial law sparked our Revolution. Accordingly, the power to impose martial law – the absolute rule over the people by a military officer with his will alone being law – is nowhere enumerated in our Constitution.
Further, it is the militia of a state and of the several states that the Constitution contemplates being used in any context, during any emergency within a state, not the standing army.
The imposition of martial law by the national government over a state and its people, treating them as an occupied enemy nation, is an act of war. Such an attempted suspension of the Constitution and Bill of Rights voids the compact with the states and with the people.
5. We will NOT obey orders to invade and subjugate any state that asserts its sovereignty and declares the national government to be in violation of the compact by which that state entered the Union.
In response to the obscene growth of federal power and to the absurdly totalitarian claimed powers of the Executive, upwards of 20 states are considering, have considered, or have passed courageous resolutions affirming states rights and sovereignty.
Those resolutions follow in the honored and revered footsteps of Jefferson and Madison in their Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, and likewise seek to enforce the Constitution by affirming the very same principles of our Declaration, Constitution, and Bill of Rights that we Oath Keepers recognize and affirm.
Chief among those principles is that ours is a dual sovereignty system, with the people of each state retaining all powers not granted to the national government they created, and thus the people of each state reserved to themselves the right to judge when the national government they created has voided the compact between the states by asserting powers never granted.
Upon the declaration by a state that such a breach has occurred, we will not obey orders to force that state to submit to the national government.
6. We will NOT obey any order to blockade American cities, thus turning them into giant concentration camps.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the blockade of Boston, and the occupying of that city by the British military, under martial law. Once hostilities began, the people of Boston were tricked into turning in their arms in exchange for safe passage, but were then forbidden to leave. That confinement of the residents of an entire city was an act of war.
Such tactics were repeated by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto, and by the Imperial Japanese in Nanking, turning entire cities into death camps. Any such order to disarm and confine the people of an American city will be an act of war and thus an act of treason.
7. We will NOT obey any order to force American citizens into any form of detention camps under any pretext.
Mass, forced internment into concentration camps was a hallmark of every fascist and communist dictatorship in the 20th Century. Such internment was unfortunately even used against American citizens of Japanese descent during World War II. Whenever a government interns its own people, it treats them like an occupied enemy population. Oppressive governments often use the internment of women and children to break the will of the men fighting for their liberty – as was done to the Boers, to the Jewish resisters in the Warsaw Ghetto, and to the Chechens, for example.
Such a vile order to forcibly intern Americans without charges or trial would be an act of war against the American people, and thus an act of treason, regardless of the pretext used. We will not commit treason, nor will we facilitate or support it.
8. We will NOT obey orders to assist or support the use of any foreign troops on U.S. soil against the American people to “keep the peace” or to “maintain control” during any emergency, or under any other pretext. We will consider such use of foreign troops against our people to be an invasion and an act of war.
During the American Revolution, the British government enlisted the aid of Hessian mercenaries in an attempt to subjugate the rebellious American people. Throughout history, repressive regimes have enlisted the aid of foreign troops and mercenaries who have no bonds with the people.
Accordingly, as the militia of the several states are the only military force contemplated by the Constitution, in Article I, Section 8, for domestic keeping of the peace, and as the use of even our own standing army for such purposes is without such constitutional support, the use of foreign troops and mercenaries against the people is wildly unconstitutional, egregious, and an act of war.
We will oppose such troops as enemies of the people and we will treat all who request, invite, and aid those foreign troops as the traitors they are.
9. We will NOT obey any orders to confiscate the property of the American people, including food and other essential supplies, under any emergency pretext whatsoever.
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the seizure and forfeiture of American ships, goods, and supplies, along with the seizure of American timber for the Royal Navy, all in violation of the people’s natural right to their property and to the fruits of their labor. The final spark of the Revolution was the attempt by the government to seize powder and cannon stores at Concord.
Deprivation of food has long been a weapon of war and oppression, with millions intentionally starved to death by fascist and communist governments in the 20th Century alone.
Accordingly, we will not obey or facilitate orders to confiscate food and other essential supplies from the people, and we will consider all those who issue or carry out such orders to be the enemies of the people.
10. We will NOT obey any orders which infringe on the right of the people to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.
There would have been no American Revolution without fiery speakers and writers such as James Otis, Patrick Henry, Thomas Paine, and Sam Adams “setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”
Patrick Henry: "Give me Liberty, or Give me DEATH!"
Tyrants know that the pen of a man such as Thomas Paine can cause them more damage than entire armies, and thus they always seek to suppress the natural rights of speech, association, and assembly. Without freedom of speech, the people will have no recourse but to arms. Without freedom of speech and conscience, there is no freedom.
Therefore, we will not obey or support any orders to suppress or violate the right of the people to speak, associate, worship, assemble, communicate, or petition government for the redress of grievances.
— And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually affirm our oath and pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. Oath Keepers
The above list is not exhaustive but we do consider them to be clear tripwires – they form our “line in the sand,” and if we receive such orders, we will not obey them. Further, we will know that the time for another American Revolution is nigh. If such a revolution comes, at that time, not only will we NOT fire upon our fellow Americans who righteously resist such egregious violations of their God given rights, we will join them in fighting against those who dare attempt to enslave them.
To the LMPD officers out there, that took the same oath these men and women took, but feel as though you are alone in your patriotism with all the unconstitutional acts being done to American citizens, I say take a look at this website and know their are others out there that feel the same as you. Your not alone.
God Bless
Friday, May 22, 2009
What Doesn't Fit? Crack Head, Purse Snatcher, Schizophrenic, Surface-To-Air Missile
Does any one remember the game called "what does not fit?" That's the game that came to mind while reading the New York Times article entitled "In Bronx Bomb Case, Steps and Missteps, on Tape," about the men arrested for plotting to shoot down a military plane and blow up a mosque.
While reading the article I kept saying to myself that these guys are lucky to tie their shoes, much less plan such a skilled plot that the FBI is accusing these guys of planning. These men, one being a crack head and another being a purse snatcher while the other being on medication for "schizophrenia or a bi-polar disorder," just doesn't yell out terrorist; or does it?
With the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) over the past couple of years doing everything in their power to sell the dumbed down public the need for their police state tactics in America, accusing basically every American of being a terrorist or extremist if they engage in "blogging, are pro-1st amendment, pro-second amendment, enjoy hunting, are anti-abortion, pro- abortion, anti-death penalty, animal rights activist or if you have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on the bumper of your car," this "terror plot" comes at a great time doesn't it?
With these men being recruited and radicalized by the FBI's confidential informant and who gave the fake weapons to these men, was also convicted on federal identity theft charges in 02' from which he began working for the FBI as a confidential informant and who began showing up at a mosque in Newburgh around 2007, speaking of violence and jehad, offering a "substantial amount of money" to some of the congregation to join his "team," screams of a government provocateured set up.
This "terror-plot" should however be very useful PR for the DHS to continue their assault on American freedoms from which New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said in a statement, “This latest attempt to attack our freedoms shows that the homeland security threats against New York City are sadly all too real and underscores why we must remain vigilant in our efforts to prevent terrorism,” along with Rep. Peter King, of New York saying," “This was a long, well-planned investigation, and it shows how real the threat is from homegrown terrorists.”
Officials are already seizing upon these men arrests, with DHS right behind them, as a means to further their agenda of "domestic terrorist" being a real threat thus we Americans should gladly and willfuly hand over our freedoms so the Government can protect us, when in reality I have never came across a "domestic terrorist" that didn't have the Fed in the back ground pulling the strings.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Boy Scouts Now Training To Fight Terrorist
Yesterday, the New york Times did an article entitled "Scouts Train to Fight Terrorists, and More" in how the Border Patrol, which is a part of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security,) are now training teenagers in whats called The Explorer program, a coeducational affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America that began 60 years ago, to fight such things as as a "disgruntled Iraq war veteran," who in the fake scenario had "already taken out two people," with one covered in blood on the floor.
I don't know about you, but when I was in the Boy Scouts in the late 70's, I remember such things as cutting from a block of wood, a race car, from which we would race. However, now we have the Government teaching kids skills "used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence," with Border agents telling these kids how to quite a unruly lookout saying, "Put him on his face and put a knee in his back, I guarantee that he’ll shut up.”
A few weeks ago the DHS had a intelligence report called "Right wing extremism" leaked to the public that was to only be for law enforcement and subject to no FOIA, which as the scenario above pointed out, called returning men and women from Iraq as "potential terrorist" among others like pro-1st amendment, pro-second amendment, anti-abortionist and any one who had a Ron Paul bumper sticker on their car and a firm grip on the Constitution as also being a possible Timothy McVeigh.
Before that DHS report was leaked, another report called the MIAC report was uncovered, from which it equates also anyone who is “anti-government,” “anti-abortion,” or who enjoy rifle shooting practice and hunting as being potential terrorist.
If my memory serves me correctly, the DHS primary responsibilities is protecting the territory of the U.S. from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters. However, for a while now the DHS has put its efforts in not finding AlQuada terrorist, but, in fact turning their efforts and focus on the American people with such things as last year for instance with DHS giving the Shively Police Department a $39,000 grant to buy a scanner that scans 1,500 license plates a min. I don't know about you, but I don't believe that AlQuada will be driving around Shively in a car that has expired tags or for that matter, has a outstanding warrant.
We have the DHS calling and going to a toy store in St.Helen's Ore. and confronting the owner Stephanie Cox over a toy called the Magic Cube, which he (one of the agents) said was an illegal copy of the Rubik's Cube, one of the most popular toys of all time from which to remove the toy from the shelves (to keep America safe from terrorist of course). This was reported by the AP in 2004.
We also have the DHS spying on American activist from which 53 men and women including 2 Catholic nuns a Democratic candidate for Congress, a man who campaigns against military recruiting at high schools and one person who has never set foot in the state were wrongly classified as terrorist by the Maryland State Police and their names and information were put into a state and Federal database that tracks terrorism suspects.
If you noticed, I'm speaking of the DHS in both the Bush Adm. and the Obama Adm., so this is not a political assault of a certain party but an observation that the left-right paradigm is alive and well and you, the American citizen, are in the cross hairs as far as DHS is concerned, no matter what Party, Democrat or Republican, is in office.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Government Now Taking Citizens Homes Even When Fully Paid For
With this tyrannical Government getting more and more out of control with such things as the Courier reported on the other day with how Ky. is going to begin their yearly "seat belt" checkpoints over the summer, which has been ruled in 2000 by the Supreme Court as being unconstitutional in a 6-3 ruling from which O'Conner said explicitly that DUI and border check points were the only check points considered Constitutional. However, its apparent the Government believes it is above the law because it continues to put these unconstitutional check points in place.
We now have the tyrannical Government kicking in peoples doors and arresting American citizens saying they are trespassing on the peoples personal properties even though these people own, out right, the property. Yes the house was paid for in full. Here is the audio of this 54 year old woman speaking to a news agency on her phone, while the Government is kicking in her door and arresting her and her daughter while her grandchildren watch in horror across the street.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Senator Cardin Wants Newspapers To Become Tax Exempt
If you can not trust the main stream media now to report the news, accurately; how much do you think you would be able to trust the MSM if they went tax exempt as a result of being bailed out by the Government? Well believe it or not this could be on its way to becoming a reality, and a scary reality at that.
Late March this scenario took a very real turn towards the main stream media getting in bed with the Government when the Maryland Democrat Benjamin Cardin, proposed legislation to the House for newspapers to be allowed to be a tax exempt, non-profit organization.
With times being extremely hard for people or organizations today that have thrived in the past with little to none financial problems makes for a scary situation from which people or organizations can react with out stopping and thinking of the consequences of their actions. That sounds a whole lot like Sen. Cardin reaction to the failing newspaper organization by saying "We are losing our newspaper industry."
I myself believe this would be the greatest blunder in America history. The media is the back bone to a true democracy from which without the media, our democracy would fail undoubtedly. As anyone knows, if a organization files 501(c)(3), then that very organization can not "publicly" have a political opinion or speak out against the Government in any way. "
The IRS prohibits nonprofits from any bias that would "favor one candidate over another ... oppose a candidate in some manner; or ... have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates." As you can see, this is a very serious situation.
Here is the Bill that Sen. Cardin introduced.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Have A Patriotic Bumpersticker, Maybe Your A Extremist/ Terrorist
I'm absolutely amazed at the America I live in today, in that a person can be held for half hour by the police, for possibly being an "extremist" because of a bumper sticker this person displayed on the bumper of his car. The persons identity is being with held for privacy reasons but was reported by the mans sister-in-law Rosemarie, a resident of Ball, Louisiana to Conservative website
This is not the same America I grew up being taught about in school. In fact America is looking more like China or Russia with these kinds of anti-1st Amendment, tyrannical measures being used against law abiding, Patriotic, American citizens.
It seems that the Louisiana Police are in fact acting on the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) report entitled "Right Wing Extremist" that was leaked last month from which calls American citizens that are pro-1st Amendment and pro-2nd Amendment, or goes against the main stream media, along with returning military men and women as potential Timothy McVeighs, and being potential domestic terrorist.
So what is this God awful bumper sticker that caused this person to be held by the Louisiana police for half an hour and thought to be a "extremist?"
Its called Gadsden flag. It was named after General and statesman Christopher Gadsden and dated back to 1775, while also used by the Marine Corp. as their early motto "Don't tread on Me".
However the Louisiana Police department does not care about a Patriotic American displaying a patriotic flag, since they have been trained into believing any American that shows his Love for the Constitution as being possible terrorist.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
HR 1966: Anti-1st Amendment Legislation, Hurt Someones Feelings, Then Go To Prison
Well people, here we are once again with our 1st Amendment right being attacked. The Courier did a article the other day on the KKK and how the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) filed suit in civil court, because a court of law would not touch the kangaroo charges, which ultimately violated a persons civil rights and Constitutional rights, for simply speaking his mind. However this is but the tip of the iceburg with regards to speaking our minds and being swifted off to prison if the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act HR 1966 passes the Senate and becomes law. What HR 1966 basically says that if you hurt someone's feeling, by asserting your 1st Amendment right, then you can be charged with a felony and fined along with being sent to prison for 2 years.
Here is the Bill in its entirety
Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act (Introduced in House)
HR 1966 IH
1st Session
H. R. 1966
To amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to cyberbullying.
April 2, 2009
Ms. LINDA T. SANCHEZ of California (for herself, Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. YARMUTH, Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. BISHOP of New York, Mr. BRALEY of Iowa, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HARE, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. CLAY, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. DAVIS of Illinois, Mr. COURTNEY, and Mr. KIRK) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
To amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to cyberbullying.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act’.
Congress finds the following:
(1) Four out of five of United States children aged 2 to 17 live in a home where either they or their parents access the Internet.
(2) Youth who create Internet content and use social networking sites are more likely to be targets of cyberbullying.
(3) Electronic communications provide anonymity to the perpetrator and the potential for widespread public distribution, potentially making them severely dangerous and cruel to youth.
(4) Online victimizations are associated with emotional distress and other psychological problems, including depression.
(5) Cyberbullying can cause psychological harm, including depression; negatively impact academic performance, safety, and the well-being of children in school; force children to change schools; and in some cases lead to extreme violent behavior, including murder and suicide.
(6) Sixty percent of mental health professionals who responded to the Survey of Internet Mental Health Issues report having treated at least one patient with a problematic Internet experience in the previous five years; 54 percent of these clients were 18 years of age or younger.
(a) In General- Chapter 41 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
Sec. 881. Cyberbullying
(a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
(b) As used in this section–
(1) the term ‘communication’ means the electronic transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received; and
(2) the term `electronic means’ means any equipment dependent on electrical power to access an information service, including email, instant messaging, blogs, websites, telephones, and text messages.’.
(b) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 41 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new item:
881. Cyberbullying.’.
This bill does not support American values and is certainly not what our founding fathers would have ever allowed and would have been considered high treason only a few years ago. This bill goes against every principle America was built on and if passed will ultimately kill this country from which thousands upon thousands of men and women have bravely fought and died to keep from happening. This bill is the poster child of a tyrant Government gone wild.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Swine Flu, When Pigs Fly
People seem to be confused as to the level being elevated to 5 yesterday while confirmed deaths of the swine flu were dropped from 152 to 7.
WHO (World Health Organization) says "Phase 5 is characterized by human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region." So thus the amount of deaths does not play a role in the threat level being elevated, but how the virus is spreading. To be elevated to level 6 " the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in Phase 5."
If any one out there has a brain, I beg you to think back a few years ago after 9/11. After 9/11 we Americans lost more freedoms than ever before in the name of "fighting terrorism." Do we really want to lose more freedoms in name of fighting a hyped up flu virus?
Ask your self how many people die EVERY YEAR of the flu virus. Then look at the number as of today.
Remember , Sunday, the U.S. health officials called a declaration of Emergency which "lets the government free more money for antiviral drugs and give some previously unapproved tests and drugs to children." Reports the New York Times
There have been States declaring State of Emergency's like California, which by declaring a state of emrgency "can also be used as a rationale for suspending civil liberties."
This kind of scenario has been reported on in 07' by the AFP in how the U.S. military began planning for a flu pandemic and would be deployed to "put down riots, guard pharmaceutical plants and shipments, and help restrict the movement of people inside the country and across its borders." What is that called? Martial Law.
Let me be very clear with you, this Swine Flu virus, from which NOone, anywhere, can find a pig infected, however, has the swine flu virus, bird flu virus and human virus, with the kicker, strains from 2 DIFFERENT CONTINENTS (Asia and Europe), is in no way a natural occurrence and IS man made.
As I've said the other day on the extreme complexity this virus would have to go through to evolve into what is being reported today would give new meaning to "when pigs fly."
For this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those some pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs -- in Mexico! -- and spread it to others. (This isn't the only explanation of how it could have happened, but it is one scenario that gives you an idea of the complexity of such a thing happening).
If anyone can remember the 76' swine flu debacle in America, that originated at Fort Dix by the way, and had the CDC calling on Congress and then President Ford for mass inoculations and which the vaccination caused over 500 people to become paralyzed and over 30 died. We now have the U.S. declaring a 'health emergency' from which opens the door for experimental drugs to be used more liberally.
We now have Baxter International, who was caught red handed last month tainting vaccines with the deadly avian flu, has over the weekend confirmed they will be working with the World Health Organization to produce the vaccine for the Mexican flu swine virus.
People, use common sense and don't just focus on the hyped virus information, but, begin paying attention to the effects this will have on your freedoms.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
WHO says ONLY 7 Deaths of Swine Flu, Not 152
Vivienne Allan, from WHO's patient safety program, said the body had confirmed that worldwide there had been just seven deaths - all in Mexico - and 79 confirmed cases of the disease.
"Unfortunately that [150-plus deaths] is incorrect information and it does happen, but that's not information that's come from the World Health Organisation," Ms Allan told ABC Radio today.
"That figure is not a figure that's come from the World Health Organisation and, I repeat, the death toll is seven and they are all from Mexico."
Here is the full storySwine Flu Hype and Mass Inoculations
For this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those some pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs -- in Mexico! -- and spread it to others. (This isn't the only explanation of how it could have happened, but it is one scenario that gives you an idea of the complexity of such a thing happening).
If anyone can remember the 76' swine flu debacle in America, that originated at Fort Dix by the way, and had the CDC calling on Congress and then President Ford for mass inoculations and which the vaccination caused over 500 people to become paralyzed and over 30 died. We now have the U.S. declaring a 'health emergency' from which opens the door for experimental drugs to be used more liberally.
We now have Baxter International who was caught red handed last month tainting vaccines with the deadly avian flu, has over the weekend confirmed they will be working with the World Health Organization to produce the vaccine for the Mexican flu swine virus.
How convenient.
A loyal reader of mine pointed out that I had forgot to post a link to Baxter and the tainting of vaccines, so here is the link to Baxter being caught red-handed tainting vaccines last month.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
"Clergy Response Teams" and Romans 13
Submission to the Authorities
1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. 6This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. 7Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
With the most recent Government labeling of anti-abortionist, Pro-second Amendment, Pro-First Amendment and even the men and woman coming back from over seas as potential "domestic-terrorist," its easy to see that the Government will do just about anything with regards to "us" Americans.
About a year ago I reported on how the Government was recruiting priest and any other clergy, in the event of a natural or man made disaster, so as to quell dissent by using Romans 13. First, i hope that all who are reading this has enough sense to ask the question of, if Romans 13 is correct in the way the Government is intending on using it, then would it not have been right for Moses to question Ramses the 2nd and free all the slaves?
In 2007 KSLA did a report on Dr. Durell Tuberville, who is a Chaplain for the Shreveport Fire Department and the Caddo Sheriff's Office, who was speaking on the topic "clergy response teams" in the event of a natural or man made disaster in which martial law was called, and what could be said to the people in helping calm them down or to obey the law would be Romans 13, "because the government's established by the Lord, you know. And, that's what we believe in the Christian faith. That's what's stated in the scripture." Mr. Tuberville also said on the topic of the mission for the clergy response team was that, "the primary thing that we say to anybody is, 'let's cooperate and get this thing over with and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.'"
This is not an isolated incident and, if you remember, the clergy was used in Katrina. “Dr. Denny Nissley, the Director of Christ in Action, is organizing a Coalition of Faith-Based First Responders from around the Nation to be prepared for the next major disaster. This Coalition will perform disaster relief training for volunteers and will maintain a current roster of thousands of volunteers who can be quickly called upon to provide support during the next major disaster.”
In Greeley, Colo., in 2002, the clergy response team helped officials deal with hate crimes against Muslim and Sikh residents and reduce community tensions. The program was set to expand to Grand Junction and Glenwood Springs by 2003, according to a 2002 U.S. Department of Justice report (PDF).
In Washington, the East of the River Clergy Police Community Partnership “sponsors teams of clergy and other faith-based individuals that reach out to the families, next of kin and other secondary victims of violent crimes and homicide,” according to a statement on its Web site. “Its purpose is to provide aid, counseling and assistance to victims, witnesses and their families and to intervene in the occurrence of retaliation.”
What's happening here is the Government is taking Romans 13 out of context so as to control you, plain and simple. The passage is speaking of a Godly authority, not an ungodly Government that is trying to oppress or cause harm to the people. As the question I asked earlier, would it have not been right for Moses to question Ramses? Of course Moses was correct in questioning an authoritarian who wanted slaves and did harm to the people.
Just because its your priest or clergy, question them when it comes to your freedom or safety and simply use common sense.
Here is the KSLA news video report.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Are All Law-Abiding-American Citizens, Terrorist?
Every body is a terrorist today, so certain people want you to believe, with such inane statements as, if you read patriotic material, then, "you are probably reviewing the ramblings of a potential domestic terrorist."
However, unsurprisingly, this kind of ant-American, mindless, mumbo jumbo runs parallel to such things as the MIAC report that equates anyone who is “anti-government,” “anti-abortion,” or who enjoy rifle shooting practice and hunting as being potential terrorist, not to forget that if you have a Ron Paul bumper sticker, you might be a terrorist.
NOTE: March 08' in Arnold, Mo. an extremism training class for Missouri law enforcement was held in which cops from around 25 different agencies heard lectures from “ADL experts on right-wing extremism.” From which is likely the documentation from this meeting to the attendees led to the basis for the “Modern Militia Movement” report written by Missouri law enforcement.
ADL (Anti-Defamation League)
We now have the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) intelligence assessment, named Rightwing Extremism: "Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," naming any one buying guns and ammunition as being rightwing extremists engaged in “paramilitary training,” along with any one who opposes attacks on the second amendment right to bear arms is a potential terrorist, or at best a “rightwing extremist”.
In essence the federal Government is not worried about Al-quada nor Bin Laden, but more worried about law-abiding American citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment rights along with their 1st amendment rights.
So to conclude on what the federal Government is considering as "potential terrorist" or at best "rightwing extremism.” Gun owners, buying ammunition, "anti-abortion", "anti-government," Pro-1st Amendment, Pro-2nd Amendment, “special interest groups” who “incorporate a political message,” people who identify themselves as “sovereign citizens,” and use of “e-protests."
Here is the Washington Times article about the DHS and this serious issue, entitled "Federal agency warns of radicals on right," where DHS is equating men and women coming back from Iraq to Timothy McVeigh. "Mark Potok, director of the center's intelligence project, said the Homeland Security report "confirms that white supremacists are interested in the military. There is some concern, and there should be, about returning veterans, one need only think of the example of Timothy McVeigh, who was in the first Iraq war." That Sounds familiar, where have I heard that before?
Texas Gov. Rick Perry today stated he supports states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, so I guess that the DHS will suspect him of being a dangerous right-wing extremist, or maybe a terrorist.Climate Depot, The Unraveling Of The Hoax, Global Warming
With all the Global warming hoopla that is presented today by the fear mongering Liberals to ultimately tax the last free commodity we enjoy today, Air. I say every one should be as informed as is possibly able, when combating such junk science the liberals are relying on to sell the, hoax of the century.
Massive Checkpoint In Tennessee Violated Posse Comitatus Act
The Federal Government is at it again with the most recent check points been set up Tuesday, March 24, at the brake inspection station on Interstate 24 eastbound, near mile marker 135 in Tennessee.
Marion County Sheriff’s Department, Monteagle Police Department, Tennessee National Guard, Arnold Air Force Base Police, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, Department of Commerce & Insurance and the Federal Bureau of Investigation," were agencies that participated.
ADL and SPLC Debunk Theirselves In Shooter "Conspiracy" Ties
The ant-first amendment/ anti-second amendment ADL and SPLC (anti-defamation league and Southern Poverty Law Center) has yet again pointed its finger calling some one exerting their fist amendment right as engaging in "hate speech" if not aligned with their (ADL/ SPLC) particular beliefs.
In a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article written Sunday it was attempted to link Alex Jones and the shooter that killed 3 cops over the weekend. Mr. Roddy the author of the article in the Pittsburg Post wrote "Mr. Poplawski turned to a far-right conspiracy Web site run by Alex Jones, a self-described documentarian with roots going back to the extremist militia movement of the early 1990s." From which the Southern Poverty Law Center backed up Mr. Roddys base less allegation with Heidi Beirich, director of research at the Southern Poverty Law Center and an expert on political extremists, stating "For some time now there has been a pretty good connection between being sucked into this conspiracy world and propagating violence," along with calling Mr. Poplawski's act, "a classic example of what happens when you start buying all this conspiracy stuff."
This guilt-by-association tactic that is well known and used by these two groups to attack the pro-second amendment right groups who are attempting to show the true nature of the Obama Administration who wants nothing better than to curtail the second amendment, in vain to say the least, and at the same time shows the extent these two groups will go to get what they want.
The ADL claims in its white supremacist section “Web sites like the neo-Nazi Stormfront forums and the anti-government conspiracy Infowars site fueled [Richard Poplawski's] racist, anti-Semitic, and conspiratorial mindset.” The link to this page has been disabled. Couldn't see that coming. However,
The ADL wrote the following about the Philly shooter, debunking its own allegation in the previous statement:
“One of Poplawski’s favorite places for such conspiracy theories was the Web site of the right-wing conspiracy radio talk show host Alex Jones. Poplawski visited the site, Infowars, frequently, shared links to it with others, and sometimes even posted to it. One of his frustrations with the site, though, was that it didn’t focus enough on the nefarious roles played by Jews in all these conspiracies. “For being such huge players in the endgame,” he observed in a March 29, 2009 posting to Infowars, “too many ‘infowarriors’ are surprisingly unfamiliar with the Zionists.” Another time he was more hopeful, noting that “racial awareness is on the rise among the young white population.”
This is nothing new with the ADL and SPLC in regards to these two groups wanting to suppress free speech and labeling any one that differs in views and excerpting their first amendment right as engaging in "hate speech." With the article I wrote entitled "Anti-Defamation League "Experts on Right-Wing Extremism" I mentioned there was a report done by Missouri law enforcement entitled, “The Modern Militia Movement” which lists support for Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, or Bob Barr for president as a sign of involvement in the militia movement. I also mentioned in that same article that in a 1993 raid by the San Fransisco Police on the ADL office, they uncovered computer files [including stolen confidential police documents containing personal information] on 9,876 individuals and more than 950 groups. The ADL denies they engage in illegal activity, however, brag of their “nationwide fact-finding infrastructure.”
As I have said before about these two dangerous groups, with such Nazi/ Stalin style tactics the ADL and SPLC are engaging in, its scary to say the least, and these two groups need an eye kept on them at all times.
UPDATE 4/07/09:
It now follows that the ADL should also issue a retraction of their initial comments, the original source from which other blogs and websites took their lead. Reports Steve Watson.Based on a correction/retraction on RawStory, I have reason to doubt the information reported by the ADL with respect to Alex Jones and Infowars or PrisonPlanet. In fact, evidence points to the contrary; that Alex Jones has spoken strongly against hate speech similar to that spoken by Richard Poplawski. Therefore, in fairness, I’ve removed any references in this diary with respect to Alex Jones and the websites Infowars or PrisonPlanet.
Constitution Loving Americans: Killers?
I was wondering what the corporate owned media would do as in twisting and turning these horrible incidents of people getting killed over the past few weeks, especially with the Police being killed just the other day.
Conficker Worm "Cyberweapon of Mass Destruction"
Well, here we go again. Does any one out there in the cyber world recall by any chance what words were used to invade Irag? I myself recall the words "weapons of mass destruction" being used. And if I'm correct, was it not found to be a lie latter?
The More CO2, The Better
Just as I have always argued about the Global warming alarmist scenario of more CO2 being the "problem" in that my argument has been, the more the better. With all the hoopla about global warming/ climate change/ climate crisis/ ____________ fill in the blank, in that it is nothing more than a scare tactic to pass a carbon tax. The entire alarmist argument of global warming is that there is to much CO2. The problem with their (enviro-mentalist) theory is the obvious. If any one has their 6th grade science books handy, pull it out and do some reading on the "big bad CO2."
Here is the New York Times article entitled "The Civil Heretic" Check it out.
UPDATE 4/07/09: Anti-Defamation League "Experts on Right-Wing Extremism"
With such story's being written by the Courier Journal, here in Louisville Ky. a few months back, attempting to paint a picture of what Nazism is suppose to look like by showing a person with a bald head, tattoos and wearing black boots being interrogated in a court room by the Southern Poverty Law Center because this person exerted his first amendment right, is in all actuality the Southern Poverty Law Center being the Nazi's.
UPDATE 4/07/09: After bringing to light a report by the Missouri law enforcement entitled, “The Modern Militia Movement” which lists support for Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, or Bob Barr for president as a sign of involvement in the militia movement also Targeting black separatist movements, Islamic groups, anarchists, the National Socialist movement and "green anarchism." On Monday, the Highway Patrol announced the reassignment of the center's director, Van Godsey. He has been replaced with Lt. David A. Hall. In addition, a major in Missouri Highway Patrol Superintendent Col. James Keathley's staff will oversee the center. Reports St. Louis Post
Military Slavery Law AKA The GIVE ACT Passes Senate
The GIVE ACT has been rubber stamped by the Senate making a domestic draft that legislates mandatory national service and creates an “army” of at least 7 million civilian enforcers. Imagine that, 7 million members of this civilian “army” equates to about one member for every 50 Americans, a similar figure to the number of East Germans who collaborated with the Stasi and informed on their own citizens during the cold war.
3/25/09 UPDATE: Within this legislation it contains language that takes away the first amendment rights of the so-called "volunteers".
‘(4) Impairing existing contracts for services or collective bargaining agreements.
If You Fly The American Flag; You Might Be a Terrorist
Governor Nixon of Missouri believes that any one who is pro-life, pro-gun or loves to fly the American flag is considered a terrorist. Missourians untitd for life has filed suit with the ACLU stating “What Governor Nixon is telling Missourians is if you disagree with him on the issue of life or display a pro-life bumper sticker or wear a pro-life pin, you may subjected to action by state law enforcement or your personal information might be sent to a law enforcement analysis center,” said Ed Martin, President of Missourians United for Life. “This is a clear violation of Missourians civil rights. The only intent of such a report by Nixon’s Administration is to harass and intimidate the governor’s perceived political enemies and chill speech and open debate by those who disagree with Jay Nixon on public policy.”
As dump Abrahmson has done with myself in the past for being pro-American with equating such things as pro-life groups, pro-guns and political activists and people's knowledgeable about the Constitution with domestic terrorists, like Timothy McVeigh, shows the extent that people will go to any lenght, to get what they want, even when it goes against everything this country was founded on.
"The entire report needs to be repudiated in order to create a precedent that educating police with this kind of garbage is an insult to the very oath that they swore by in the first place."
Fort Knox and FEMA Camps
The Courier Journal's headline today is about Ky. spending $100 million dollars on the Fort Knox area trying, I believe, to bring to light some shady things happening in our government against the people.
In the article the courier reported that $50 million will go to " Three main transportation projects" from which "local officials say are necessary to serve an influx of new residents." An influx of NEW RESIDENTS? In February it was reported by Fox 41 news that David Fennell of the Regional Leadership Coalition, a group affiliated with GLI, the Louisville-area Chamber of Commerce said "We talked about light rail coming down. Today I looked out the window and saw railroad tracks -- that's a start -- let's think about it." Does any one remember how the Jews were transported?
The thing about these story's are what the media is NOT reporting. Things like HR 645 being introduced to congress authorizing the Department of Homeland Security to set up FEMA camps facility's to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency.
If you have time check out an article I wrote entitled "Is the American Government Building Camps for Illegal Immigrants or American Citizens?," Americans need to wake up.