Sunday, May 10, 2009

Senator Cardin Wants Newspapers To Become Tax Exempt

Fighting for Freedom

If you can not trust the main stream media now to report the news, accurately; how much do you think you would be able to trust the MSM if they went tax exempt as a result of being bailed out by the Government? Well believe it or not this could be on its way to becoming a reality, and a scary reality at that.

Late March this scenario took a very real turn towards the main stream media getting in bed with the Government when the Maryland Democrat Benjamin Cardin, proposed legislation to the House for newspapers to be allowed to be a tax exempt, non-profit organization.

With times being extremely hard for people or organizations today that have thrived in the past with little to none financial problems makes for a scary situation from which people or organizations can react with out stopping and thinking of the consequences of their actions. That sounds a whole lot like Sen. Cardin reaction to the failing newspaper organization by saying "We are losing our newspaper industry."

I myself believe this would be the greatest blunder in America history. The media is the back bone to a true democracy from which without the media, our democracy would fail undoubtedly. As anyone knows, if a organization files 501(c)(3), then that very organization can not "publicly" have a political opinion or speak out against the Government in any way. "
The IRS prohibits nonprofits from any bias that would "favor one candidate over another ... oppose a candidate in some manner; or ... have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates." As you can see, this is a very serious situation.

Here is the Bill that Sen. Cardin introduced.

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