Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Government Now Taking Citizens Homes Even When Fully Paid For

Fighting for Freedom

With this tyrannical Government getting more and more out of control with such things as the Courier reported on the other day with how Ky. is going to begin their yearly "seat belt" checkpoints over the summer, which has been ruled in 2000 by the Supreme Court as being unconstitutional in a 6-3 ruling from which O'Conner said explicitly that DUI and border check points were the only check points considered Constitutional. However, its apparent the Government believes it is above the law because it continues to put these unconstitutional check points in place.

We now have the tyrannical Government kicking in peoples doors and arresting American citizens saying they are trespassing on the peoples personal properties even though these people own, out right, the property. Yes the house was paid for in full. Here is the audio of this 54 year old woman speaking to a news agency on her phone, while the Government is kicking in her door and arresting her and her daughter while her grandchildren watch in horror across the street.

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