Just as I have always argued about the Global warming alarmist scenario of more CO2 being the "problem" in that my argument has been, the more the better. With all the hoopla about global warming/ climate change/ climate crisis/ ____________ fill in the blank, in that it is nothing more than a scare tactic to pass a carbon tax. The entire alarmist argument of global warming is that there is to much CO2. The problem with their (enviro-mentalist) theory is the obvious. If any one has their 6th grade science books handy, pull it out and do some reading on the "big bad CO2."
What I was taught about CO2, is that it is needed for humans to survive. See what the alarmist will not tell you, is that every tree and every plant on this earth NEED CO2 to thrive and survive. If there are more CO2, then why would not the trees and plants thrive more? Has anyone got to the part in your middle school science book yet, were it speaks of the chemical that trees and plants give off? Well if you haven't reached that page yet, I'll let you in on the little secret. Its called oxygen. And if your reading this, then you are breathing it right now, say thank you CO2. See if the trees and plants thrive and survive, they give off oxygen in return, matter of fact the trees and plants are the exact opposite of humans, in that we inhale oxygen and give off CO2, where as the trees and plants inhale CO2 and exhale oxygen, if you will.
I don't know about you, but I really didn't think I was having an Einstein moment when I simply recalled what I was taught in the 6th grade, however, last night I was reading about a man in the New york times who is thought of, along the lines of Einstein by his peers, by the name of Freeman Dyson, a physicist who resides at Princeton N.J. and who is his employer, the Institute for Advanced Study, this country’s most rarefied community of scholars, and he says the exact same thing, stating that whatever inflammations the climate was experiencing might be a good thing, because carbon dioxide helps plants of all kinds grow.
So there you go. Mr. Dyson along with hundreds of other scientist, including the owner of The Weather Channel, have all said that the alarmist are just that "alarmist" most using junk science and tear jerking commercials to sway the public into buying their Carbon Tax agenda.
Here is the New York Times article entitled "The Civil Heretic" Check it out.
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