Governor Nixon of Missouri believes that any one who is pro-life, pro-gun or loves to fly the American flag is considered a terrorist. Missourians untitd for life has filed suit with the ACLU stating “What Governor Nixon is telling Missourians is if you disagree with him on the issue of life or display a pro-life bumper sticker or wear a pro-life pin, you may subjected to action by state law enforcement or your personal information might be sent to a law enforcement analysis center,” said Ed Martin, President of Missourians United for Life. “This is a clear violation of Missourians civil rights. The only intent of such a report by Nixon’s Administration is to harass and intimidate the governor’s perceived political enemies and chill speech and open debate by those who disagree with Jay Nixon on public policy.”
As dump Abrahmson has done with myself in the past for being pro-American with equating such things as pro-life groups, pro-guns and political activists and people's knowledgeable about the Constitution with domestic terrorists, like Timothy McVeigh, shows the extent that people will go to any lenght, to get what they want, even when it goes against everything this country was founded on.
"The entire report needs to be repudiated in order to create a precedent that educating police with this kind of garbage is an insult to the very oath that they swore by in the first place."
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