Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Government Making VFW's List All Military Weapons

Fighting For Freedom

Here we are again with the Government now demanding the VFW to list all military equipment, even "antiquated and non-functioning military equipment used primarily for display and historical purposes," either it be "20, 40, 60 or 100 years" old by stating "it still belongs to the military" threatening that if "all weapons and equipment not accounted for," then the missing military equipment "will be reported to the FBI and BATF as stolen military equipment,” writes Dan West, retired Sgt. USMC.
Dan also reminds the VFW "elected officers of the Post" of the "severity of punishment that can be administered or the legal bills" that would result if the Vets did not bow down to the demands of the Government that these men and woman bravely fought for.

Although the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) say they are no longer linking returning Iraqi Vets to terrorist and or extremist groups, their actions are speaking otherwise.
Just last month at Ft. Cambell the Army took the unusual steps of requiring all army personal to "disclose all of their privately owned weapons and gun licenses."
However, “military officials insist the policy is not connected to a recent controversial Department of Homeland Security report that warned disgruntled veterans could pose a national security threat. Rather, the inventory of private guns is aimed at stemming what the Army claims is an increasing number of accidental discharges by gun-toting soldiers.”

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