Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Schools To Be Turned Into Shot Clinics For Mass Vaccination Programs

Fighting for Freedom

With the mass hysteria being thrust upon the American people over the past couple of months regarding the swine flu and using the extremely small number of people who have died, which as of today stands at 160 world wide, dwarfed in comparison to the number of people who die of the normal flu EVERY year which is around 36,000, the WHO (world health organization) has taken the unprecedented step of raising their alert status lat week to level 6, indicating a global pandemic ultimately giving the green light to the Government from which U.S. health officials has already called a declaration of Emergency so as "to give some previously unapproved tests and drugs to children," Reports the New York Times, has begun telling schools across the country to prepare to be used as clinics for mass vaccination programs.
“Schoolchildren could be first in line for swine flu vaccine this fall — and schools are being put on notice that they might even be turned into shot clinics.” States the report.
“Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Tuesday she is urging school superintendents around the country to spend the summer preparing for that possibility, if the government goes ahead with mass vaccinations.”

Most people do not have to be told, however there are the few who do not know that by the U.S. declaring a 'health emergency' the Government successfully opened the door for experimental drugs to be used more liberally along with States declaring State of Emergency like California has, which by declaring a state of emrgency "can also be used as a rationale for suspending civil liberties."
Louisville has, just last month, ran an excersise called Cities Readiness Initiative sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security "that tested the use of bank drive-throughs to deliver medications in emergencies," which could be used for the swine flu if it "became more virulent in the fall and vaccines or medicines needed to be distributed widely to the public." Reports the Courier Journal
There are schools however, already participating with the Government to run mass inoculations such as 11 schools in Alaska who are "practicing a mass dispensing of vaccines." Reports

If anyone can remember the 76' swine flu debacle in America, that originated at Fort Dix by the way, and had the CDC calling on Congress and then President Ford for mass inoculations and which the vaccination caused over 500 people to become paralyzed and over 30 died.

On that note, Baxter International, who was caught red handed in march of this year, tainting vaccines with the deadly avian flu, has confirmed they will be working with the World Health Organization to produce the vaccine for the Mexican flu swine virus.

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