Thursday, April 22, 2010

SPLC and ADL Are One In The Same

Since the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) are one in the same with regards to their Hitler, Stallon style tactics of quelling free speech in America by making hitlist on political figure and everyday Americans who disagree with their hate America, left-wing ideologies. The ADl has posted a report this month calling for a “major law enforcement operation," to deal with Americans who do not support Obamacare.

Here is one of the comments the ADL determined to be in need of a "major law enforcement operation":

“The bill that passed has NOTHING to do with healthcare…it is used solely as a vehicle to push an agenda—to destroy what is working in our insurance industries, to increase our government intrusion into citizens’ lives…and to eventually act as a vehicle for our power hungry miscreants to attempt to dictate every aspect of our lives.”

As you can see with your own eyes, this is nothing but an American dissenting against a piece of legislation that they are not happy with. However the ADL seems to be wanting the SWAT teams to kick in this persons door because they invoked their 1st Amendment right.

I guess in the SPLC and ADL's mind, what was good for Hitler, is also good for them.

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